Libp2p Day @ ETHDenver 2024

Hello! :wave:t2:

I hope you are happy and well. My name is Dave Grantham and I’m the new libp2p Community Architect. I’m excited to announce libp2p Day @ ETHDenver :rocket: on February 29th from 13:30 to 18:00 with a social event to follow.​

I invite you to attend. We plan to have presentations and community oriented activities and snacks :banana::pretzel::popcorn:. There will also be a social event with food :meat_on_bone: and drinks :clinking_glasses: after we conclude. Please come and meet the rest of the libp2p community! :houses:

​We are currently looking for speakers :speech_balloon: to present on their libp2p related work. If you’d like to speak at the event (you’re awesome :fire:), please email me at [email protected].​

If you plan to attend, please register here so we can save a spot for you. :sunglasses:

Cheers! :beers:

Schedule Coming Soon (watch this space)

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Because I couldn’t edit the first post… Here are the updates on libp2p Day @ ETHDenver

:rocket: libp2p Day is a gathering of developers, researchers, and engaged community members focused on pushing the boundaries of decentralized peer-to-peer networks. This event is more than just another meetup at ETHDenver. This is where we will dig into turning nuts and bolts solutions and cutting edge research into a usable and robust peer-to-peer networking library for our mobile and ad hoc internet of today.

​Please register here so we can save a spot for you. :sunglasses:


  • ​The Slate, Denver
  • ​Thursday, February 29th 1:30 PM - 6 PM local time

​How YOU Can Participate:

  • Submit a talk proposal :speech_balloon:
  • ​Sponsor libp2p Day: :dollar:
  • ​Join one or our chat channels
    • ​Slack: #libp2p-community
    • ​Matrix: libp2p-community
    • ​Discord: #community
    • ​Telegram: libp2p@ETHDenver 2024

​Cheers! :beers:

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Thank you very much for the invitation.
While we unfortunately won’t make it to EthDenver, Vac contributors will attend EthCC. I saw in the meeting notes, you plan a libp2p Day there as well :raised_hands:

@kaiserd I’m still looking for a few more speakers at libp2p Day @ ETHDenver. Which Vac contributors are attending ETHDenver? I would really love to have a Vac and/or nim-libp2p presentation. Any volunteers?


Unfortunately, Vac will not be at EthDenver.